This week, at the airport in our town, former US Marine Cesar Laurean landed to be transported for his trial for killing Maria Lauterbach and her unborn son Gabriel. Actually, Laurean will only be tried for Maria's death as the state of North Carolina has no laws currently that will allow prosecution for baby Gabriel who was killed in his mother's womb.
I am not interested in a death penalty debate other than to say, I am against the death penalty in all cases including this one.
What I am interested in is getting that law passed in North Carolina that would allow a person to be charged with murder in a case such as this. I have written my representatives and senators. But I know that more needs to be done. At this point, the best thing I know for sure I could complete would be praying for the legislators to make the right decision.
Maria was not far off in her pregnancy from where I am now. My heart aches for her family that lost a daughter, sister, niece, cousin and this unborn baby. And I know that there will be no justice for Maria or baby Gabriel, until we show the true value of his life which began in the womb.
Crime and Punishment
1 hour ago