Friday, May 7, 2010

Quick Takes

1) In our house, we are lucky when it comes to stomach viruses (odd statment I know). We rarely get them, and when we do we are good at not sharing them. Jeff and I both were infected this week. And, mercifully, God spared the kids!

2) Skin-So-Soft. I love this stuff. Avon is so worth it for this alone. Our poor Shelby, in addition to everything else, is a mosquito magnet (she got it from me). Since her skin already has issues, this is the perfect solution as it helps her skin and protects from insects.

3) Speaking of skeeters....summer is here! And I mean here. The 90 degree temp lows, the thunderstorms, the sunburn, the...well you get the idea. Unfortunately the ocean hasn't warmed up enough to swim yet. So we are waiting it out.

4) And our first crop is coming in now. Peas. The squash are starting to flower and produce fruit but it'll be a few more weeks. And the wait for the tomatoes continues.

5) Since summer is here, hurricane season is not far behind. We live in Hurricane Alley. If it's coming up the East Coast, we'll get hit in some fashion. It makes these months interesting that's for sure. We've been spared the last couple of years, we're praying God's mercy holds out.

6) I was off last night so I get to take Shelby to school for the first time in forever this morning. She and Daddy have a pretty solid routine, so I can't wait to see what I do wrong. (I mean this in a comical way. It's a steep learning curve.)

7) Lastly, here I was one year ago today:

Happy First Birthday Sweet William!

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